/**************************************** * filename: configuration_constants.php * purpose: This file is intended solely as an abstraction, so that models can require * constants via a standard name *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * (c) Copyright 2009-2010 Cheth Rowe Consulting. All Rights Reserved. *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *****************************************/ require_once('perry_constants.php'); // contains the actual configuration information ?>
Architecture and Design
Moyen Age, PL. XXXVII: XIV et XV Siecles, Marqueteries (1875-1880)By: Imp. Firmin-Didot & Cie, Paris - Lith. par Daumont A striking chromolithograph from Racinet’s famous work on styles and motifs of the art of the ancient times, Asia, Middle Ages,... $165Moyen Age, PL. XXXVI: XII Siecle: Decorations en Mosaique (1875-1880)By: Imp. Firmin-Didot & Cie, Paris - Lithographie par G. Sanier A striking chromolithograph from Racinet’s famous work on styles and motifs of the art of the ancient times, Asia, Middle Ages,... $165Indien, PL. XVI: Nielles et Metaux Graves. (1875-1880)By: Imp. Firmin-Didot & Cie, Paris - Lith. par Daumont A striking chromolithograph from Racinet’s famous work on styles and motifs of the art of the ancient times, Asia, Middle Ages,... $165Greco-Romain, PL. VIII: Style Pompeien. Architecure Decorative. (1875-1880)By: Imp. Firmin-Didot & Cie, Paris - Lith. par Sulpas & F. Durin A striking chromolithograph from Racinet’s famous work on styles and motifs of the art of the ancient times, Asia, Middle Ages,... $165XVII Siecle (1re Partie), Pl. LXXV: Premiere Partie (Style Louis XIII). Panneau en Cuir Dore et Sa Bordure. (1875-1880)By: Imp. Firmin-Didot & Cie, Paris - Lithographie par Sanier A striking chromolithograph from Racinet’s famous work on styles and motifs of the art of the ancient times, Asia, Middle Ages,... $165XVII Siecle: PL LXXXI: XVII Siecle,. Masaique et Peintures (1875-1880)By: Imp. Firmin-Didot & Cie, Paris - Lith. par Durin A striking chromolithograph from Racinet’s famous work on styles and motifs of the art of the ancient times, Asia, Middle Ages,... $165Byzantin, Pl. XXXIV: Ornements Byzantins (1875-1880)By: Imp. Firmin-Didot & Cie, Paris - Lith. par Pralon A striking chromolithograph from Racinet’s famous work on styles and motifs of the art of the ancient times, Asia, Middle Ages,... $165XVI, XVII Siecle, Pl. LXII: Orfevrerie Emaillee et Joaillerie (1875-1880)By: Imp. Firmin-Didot & Cie, Paris - Lith. par F. Durin A striking chromolithograph from Racinet’s famous work on styles and motifs of the art of the ancient times, Asia, Middle Ages,... $165Renaissance, Pl. LXVII: Faiences Emaillees. (1875-1880)By: Imp. Firmin-Didot & Cie, Paris - Durin, Lith. A striking chromolithograph from Racinet’s famous work on styles and motifs of the art of the ancient times, Asia, Middle Ages,... $165Renaissance, Pl. LXVI: Peinture et Sculpture Decoratives (1875-1880)By: Imp. Firmin-Didot & Cie, Paris - Lith. par G. Sanier A striking chromolithograph from Racinet’s famous work on styles and motifs of the art of the ancient times, Asia, Middle Ages,... $165XVII Siecle, Pl. LXXIV: Peinture, Ajoures et Ciselures. (1875-1880)By: Imp. Firmin-Didot & Cie, Paris - Lith. par G. Sanier A striking chromolithograph from Racinet’s famous work on styles and motifs of the art of the ancient times, Asia, Middle Ages,... $165XVII XVIII Siecle, Pl. LXXXII: Faiences. Fabrication Francaise (1875-1880)By: Imp. Firmin-Didot & Cie, Paris - Lith par Dufour & Jeanningros A striking chromolithograph from Racinet’s famous work on styles and motifs of the art of the ancient times, Asia, Middle Ages,... $165Renaissance, Pl. LV: Miniatures d’Apres des Manuscrits (1875-1880)By: Imp. Firmin-Didot & Cie, Paris - Lithographie par Pralon A striking chromolithograph from Racinet’s famous work on styles and motifs of the art of the ancient times, Asia, Middle Ages,... $165XVI et XVII Siecle, Pl. LXIX: Motifs de Reliures en Mosaique (1875-1880)By: Imp. Firmin-Didot & Cie, Paris - Lith. par Pralon A striking chromolithograph from Racinet’s famous work on styles and motifs of the art of the ancient times, Asia, Middle Ages,... $165Moyen Age, Pl. L, Enluminures de Manuscrits (1875-1880)By: Imp. Firmin-Didot & Cie, Paris - Lith. par Durin A striking chromolithograph from Racinet’s famous work on styles and motifs of the art of the ancient times, Asia, Middle Ages,... $165Moyen Age, Pl. XXXII: Ornements de Manuscrits (1875-1880)By: Imp. Firmin-Didot & Cie, Paris - Lithographie par Bauer A striking chromolithograph from Racinet’s famous work on styles and motifs of the art of the ancient times, Asia, Middle Ages,... $165Moyen Age, Pl. XLV. XIII, XIV et XV Sielces. Vitraux-Grisailles (1875-1880)By: Imp. Firmin-Didot & Cie, Paris - Lith par. Dufour et Launay A striking chromolithograph from Racinet’s famous work on styles and motifs of the art of the ancient times, Asia, Middle Ages,... $165XVI Siecle, Pl. LXX: Peintures de Manuscrits et Damasquinures (1875-1880)By: Imp. Firmin-Didot & Cie, Paris - Lith. par Picard A striking chromolithograph from Racinet’s famous work on styles and motifs of the art of the ancient times, Asia, Middle Ages,... $165